From the Reclaimed Wood Desk of Haley: Space

The inspiration for our ninth installment of The Germ is the word “space.”This may initially conjure up characters from the cosmos for most of you — everything from Azathoth and astronauts to Zygons and the zodiac. But don’t forget that “space” can mean a lot of other things, too. Perhaps you’re always fighting your coworker over the best parking space. Maybe you’d like to tell that clingy boyfriend of yours that you need some space. Perchance you spilled soda all over your keyboard spacebar and now your computer won’t work. With a little creativity, you can really make anything in the world about space.

Out there in Hollywoodland, there are the obvious titles such as “Office Space,” “Doctor Who: Space and Time,” “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and, the most classic of all these, the timeless masterpiece “Space Jam.” But plenty of other famous space-less titles are still inspired by the word. Think about it:

“The Godfather” is about a man carving out a space for himself in his family.

“Vertigo” is about a man with a great fear of the space between him and the ground.

“The Shawshank Redemption” is about a man who wants to escape a confined space.

“Citizen Kane” is about a man who loses his inner space with the more outer space he gains.

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is about what happens when you put a sane man in the same space as insane men.

Star Wars is about… well, that one is harder to pinpoint.

My point is, these plot devices could all work for submission to the upcoming Germ. So what’s stopping you? Inspiration? It’s everywhere around you. Time? You have plenty. Equipment? Grab the nearest smart phone! People? Cash-in some favors!

You can do it. You can make a movie.

But don’t forget the other requirements: all submissions must contain one uncut shot that is at least 60 seconds long and contain a minimum of three characters. Films can be no longer than five minutes in length.

Submissions are due Monday, June 16 by 5 p.m. The screening is Thursday, June 19, at 7 p.m. at Windsong Productions. Get all the details at

Ballerinas and hibiscus flowers,


The Windsong Productions reclaimed wood desk was made by the talented team at Revive Industries. It’ll probably be the first thing you see when you visit our offices — or you might see Haley first, depending on how tall you are.

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