Casting Call: Windsong Wants You!

Our production coordinator Haley casts a wide net. Let us know if you want to be caught.

In a typical month at Windsong, our casting demands run the gamut from filling easy and predictable roles to desperately hunting for anyone with a pulse who can represent very specific or completely absurd characters. In the past two months alone, I’ve sought out Spanish-speaking talent, Rat Pack look-a-likes, friendly grandparents, grocery shoppers, credit union employees, and two entire teams’ worth of peewee football players.

Sometimes we’re able to bring in professional actors from places like Sacramento and Los Angeles, which is especially helpful on spots that require talent with a good deal of experience and training under their belt. On other occasions, we pull from local actors that we know and trust.

For commercial shoots, though, it isn’t always necessary to use people with any sort of theatrical résumé. Many commercials have voiceovers, so talent isn’t responsible for saying (or memorizing) any lines. Others spots just need people in the background to fill up empty space. Sometimes we need kids. Sometimes we need seniors. Sometimes we need people of every size, shape, age, and color under the sun.

This is where you come in.

If you have a face, and a body, and a way to get from place to place, you might be ready for your 30-to-60 seconds of fame. All you need to do is send an email to
with your contact information, availability, and a few current pictures that clearly show what you look like. Don’t worry; we don’t need no stinkin’ headshots.

If we can find a way to use you, we’ll be in touch. And generally speaking, we’ll offer you money and/or goodies for your time.

So give it a shot. You’ve got nothing to lose, and these hospital workers and college students aren’t going to play themselves. OK, actually, sometimes they do play themselves. But those aren’t the commercials we need your help on. Get in touch!

Ballerinas and Hibiscus Flowers,

Photo credit: Espen Sundve

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