The Germ 11 is tonight, Thursday, February 19 at 7 p.m. Haley put together some great reasons why you should probably come.
1. Networking.
We have a social hour before we show the films. You can mingle with other local actors, directors, crew members, and film enthusiasts.
2. Free popcorn and candy.
Yes, you you read that correctly. Popcorn. And candy. That is free.
3. A bar!
With fancy themed drinks, of both the alcohol and non-alcohol variety. Who doesn’t like fancy themed drinks of both the alcohol and non-alcohol variety?
4. You live in Fresno and it’s a Thursday night.
What else are you going to do?
5. Movies are magical!
And we’ve got so many different kinds, to suit whatever mood you’re in. Romance. Drama. Comedy. It’s like a smorgasbord of magical movie magnificence.
So, there you have it. See you at The Germ 11!